About The Vim Editor
Vim stands for "Vi IMproved" and is an improved version of the original Vi text editor. Vi (Visual Editor) was a text editor first developed for BSD Unix by Bill Joy in 1976. It is the editor that comes by default on most Linux servers. Vim was started by Bram Moolenaar in 1991 and has become a popular text editor available on many platforms, being voted the top-rated text editor by Linux Journal readers in 2006.
#Vim Usage: [example file: file.txt]
#>>> Vim Editor Mods:
- Command Mode (ESC)
- Insert mode (i)
- Command Line Mode (:)
>i [Select Insert mode]
# :w [kaydet]
# :wq [kaydet çık]
# :q [çık]
# :qa [çık, tüm açık dosyaları kapatarak]
# :q! [kaydetmeden çık,]
# :sh [Shell'e geçiş yap, exit ile geri dön]
# :/guler.NET [arama yap, guler.NET]
# :u [yapılan son değişikliği geri al]
# :U [yapılan tüm değişikliği geri al]
# :CTRL+R [ileri al]
# :undolist [Geri alma dallarını göster, ileri-geri] # :undo 15 # :later:40
# :%s/guler.NET/domain.local/g [Bul & Değiştir]
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