
Active Directory operation failed on This error is not retriable.

 Active Directory operation failed on This error is not retriable.

Additional information: Access is denied.Active directory response: 00000005: SecErr: DSID-03152612, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0

ECP ekranında kullanıcı/grup özelliklerine girildiğinde  ” Grup Temsilcisi ” alanına kullanıcıyı eklemek yada silmek istediğinizde bu hatayı alabilirsiniz.

When you enter the user/group properties on the ECP screen, you may get this error when you want to add or delete the user in the "Group Representative" field.

Let's open Active Directory Users and Computers.
Click Advanced Features from the View menu.
Right on the OU where the user and group to be mailed to are located > Properties
Let's go to Security > Advanced.
Permissions > Add
On the screen that opens, let's select the Exchange trusted subsystem in the Principal part.
TYPE : Allow
Let's mark Applies to :This object and all descendants objects.
Let's tick Modify Permissions from the Permissions list.
Let's save it by clicking Apply.

Active Directory Users and Computers açalım.
View menüsünden Advanced Features tıklayalım.
Yerine mail atılacak kullanıcı ve grubun olduğu OU üzerinde sağtık > Properties
Security > Advanced kısmına gelelim.
Permissions > Add
Açılan ekranda Principal kısmına Exchange trusted subsystem seçelim.
TYPE : Allow
Applies to :This object and all descendants objects işaretleyelim. 
Permissions listesinden Modify Permissions işaretleyelim.
Apply diyerek kaydedelim.
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