Active Directory Advanced Audit Policy GPO Configuration
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Active Directory Advanced Audit Policy GPO Configuration
Active Directory Advanced Audit Policy, Windows Server işletim sisteminde Active Directory (AD) hizmeti için gelişmiş denetim politikalarını yönetmeyi sağlayan bir özelliktir. Geleneksel denetim politikalarından farklı olarak, gelişmiş denetim politikaları, daha kapsamlı ve esnek denetim olanakları sunar. Bu özellik, özellikle büyük kuruluşlar ve güvenlik gereksinimleri yüksek ortamlar için önemli bir araçtır.
Gelişmiş denetim politikaları, Active Directory'deki nesneler ve kayıtlar üzerindeki değişiklikleri ayrıntılı bir şekilde izlemeye ve denetlemeye olanak tanır. Yöneticiler, belirli olaylarla ilgili ayrıntılı logları etkinleştirerek, izlemek ve olayları raporlamak için daha fazla seçeneğe sahip olurlar.
Gelişmiş denetim politikaları, Olay kimlikleri (event IDs) ile ilişkilendirilir ve olay günlüklerine yazılan belirli eylemleri denetler. Örneğin, kullanıcı hesabı oluşturma, hesap silme, şifre değiştirme veya grup üyeliği değiştirme gibi olayları izlemek ve raporlamak için bu politikaları kullanabilirsiniz.
Gelişmiş Denetim Politikası Yapılandırması için önerilen ayarlar şu şekildedir.
Account Logon
Policy Setting
Audit Credential Validation
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by validation tests on user account logon credentials.
Audit Kerberos Authentication Services
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by Kerberos authentication ticket-granting ticket (TGT) requests.
Audit Kerberos Service Ticket Operations
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by Kerberos authentication ticket-granting ticket (TGT) requests submitted for user accounts.
Account Management
Policy Setting
Audit Computer Account Management
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by changes to computer accounts such as when a computer account is created, changed, or deleted.
Audit Other Account Management Events
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by other user account changes that are not covered in this category, such as the following:
Audit Security Group Management
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by changes to security groups such as the following:
Audit User Account Management
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit changes to user accounts
Detailed Tracking
Policy Setting
Audit PNP Activity
This policy setting allows you to audit when plug and play detects an external device.
Audit Process Creation
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated when a process is created or starts. The name of the application or user that created the process is also audited.
DS Access
Policy Setting
Audit Directory Service Access
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated when an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) object is accessed.
Audit Directory Service Changes
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by changes to objects in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). Events are logged when an object is created, deleted, modified, moved, or undeleted.
Policy Setting
Audit Account Lockout
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by a failed attempt to log on to an account that is locked out.
Audit Group Membership
This policy allows you to audit the group memberhsip information in the user’s logon token
Audit Logon
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by user account logon attempts on the computer.
Audit Other Logon/Logoff Events
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit other logon/logoff-related events that are not covered in the “Logon/Logoff”.
Audit Special Logon
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by special logons such as those with administrator equivalent privileges.
Object Access
Policy Setting
Audit Detailed File Share
This policy setting allows you to audit attempts to access files and folders on a shared folder.
Audit File Share
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit attempts to access a shared folder.
Audit Other Object Access Events
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by the management of task scheduler jobs or COM+ objects.
Audit Removable Storage
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit user attempts to access file system objects on a removable storage device. A security audit event is generated only for all objects for all types of access requested.
Policy Change
Policy Setting
Audit Audit Policy Change
This policy setting allows you to audit changes in the security audit policy settings.
Audit Authentication Policy Change
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by changes to the authentication policy
Audit MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by changes in policy rules used by the Microsoft Protection Service (MPSSVC)
Audit Other Policy Change Events
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated by other security policy changes that are not audited in the policy change category
Privilege Use
Policy Setting
Audit Sensitive Privilege Use
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit events generated when sensitive privileges (user rights) are used.
Policy Setting
Audit Other System Events
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit systems events such as the startup and shutdown of the Windows firewall.
Audit Security State Change
This policy setting allows you to audit systems events such as the startup and shutdown of the Windows firewall.
Audit Security System Extension
This policy setting allows you to audit events related to security system extensions or services
Audit System Integrity
Success and Failure
This policy setting allows you to audit events that violate the integrity of the security subsystem
Global Object Access Auditing
Policy Setting
File System
Bu Windows denetim politikası ayarlarını etkinleştirdiğinizde, alan denetleyicilerinizde Active Directory Günlükleri oluşturulur. Bu günlükler, Windows olay görüntüleyici kullanılarak görüntülenebilir ancak bunları analiz etmek için 3. Parti vb. bir denetim aracı kullanmanızı öneririm.