Domain users 10 days Logon-Logoff Report
Param ( [string]$Computer = (Read-Host hedef Bilgisayar adi=ip: – target Computer name-ip ), [int]$Days = 10 # Bu bölümde son kaç günlük rapor istendiği belirtilir. Örnekte son 10 günlüK – In the example the last 10 days ) $now=get-date Set-Variable -Name ExportFolder -Value “C:\” $startdate=$now.adddays(-$EventAgeDays) $ExportFile=$ExportFolder + $Computer + “Logon_Logoff_Report__” + $now.ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd—hh-mm-ss”) + “.csv” cls $Result = @() Write-Host “Turkish:Loglar toplanıyor, bu işlem biraz zaman alabilir… ENGLish: PLease Wait…” $ELogs = Get-EventLog System -Source Microsoft-Windows-WinLogon -After (Get-Date).AddDays(-$Days) -ComputerName $Computer If ($ELogs) { Write-Host “isleniyor… is running…” ForEach ($Log in $ELogs) { If ($Log.InstanceId -eq 7001) { $ET = “Logon” } ElseIf ($Log.InstanceId -eq 7002) { $ET = “Logoff” } Else { Continue } $Result += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Time = $Log.TimeWritten ‘Event Type’ = $ET User = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $Log.ReplacementStrings[1]).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]) } } $Result | Select Time,”Event Type”,User | Sort Time -Descending | Export-CSV $ExportFile -NoTypeInformation Write-Host “Tamamlandı. Okey Enjoy!” } Else { Write-Host “Bu bilgisayarda sorun oluştu – Problem occurred on this computer: $Computer.” Write-Host “Eğer ‘Ağ yolu bulunamadı’ hatasını alıyorsanız bu bilgisayarda Remote Registry servisini başlatınız.” Write-Host “If you are getting the ‘No network path found’ error, start the Remote Registry service on this computer.” Write-Host “Ayrıca auditing açık olmalıdır – Also, auditing should be open.)” }
Kolay gelsin. - I wish conveniences
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