Examining Exchange Server Mail usage details Powershell
[CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)] [String] $outFile = "C:\mails_kullanim_raporlari.csv" ) # From date should be a MONDAY $From = Get-Date "11/02/2022" $To = $From.AddDays(7) [Int64] $intTotalSentIntSize = $intTotalSentInt = 0 [Int64] $intTotalSentExtSize = $intTotalSentExt = 0 [Int64] $intTotalSentSize = $intTotalSent = 0 [Int64] $intTotalRecIntSize = $intTotalRecInt = 0 [Int64] $intTotalRecExtSize = $intTotalRecExt = 0 [Int64] $intTotalRecSize = $intTotalRec = 0 "From, To, # Total Sent, Size Sent, # Total Sent Int, Size Sent Int, # Total Sent Ext, Size Sent Ext, # Total Received, Size Received, # Total Rec Int, Size Rec Int, # Total Rec Ext, Size Rec Ext" >> $outFile Do { Get-TransportService | Get-MessageTrackingLog -ResultSize Unlimited -Start $From -End $To | ? {$_.MessageSubject -ne "Folder Content"} | ForEach { # Sent E-mails If ($_.EventId -eq "RECEIVE" -and $_.Source -eq "STOREDRIVER") { $intTotalSentSize += $_.TotalBytes $intTotalSent++ # Internaly If ($_.Recipients -match "domain.com") { $intTotalSentIntSize += $_.TotalBytes; $intTotalSentInt++ } # Externaly # Not an ElseIf as the same e-mail might contain internal and external recipients If ($_.Recipients -notmatch "domain.com") { $intTotalSentExtSize += $_.TotalBytes; $intTotalSentExt++ } } # Received E-mails If ($_.EventId -eq "DELIVER") { $intTotalRecSize += $_.TotalBytes $intTotalRec += [Int] $_.RecipientCount # From an internal sender If ($_.Sender -match "domain.com") { $intTotalRecIntSize += $_.TotalBytes; $intTotalRecInt += [Int] $_.RecipientCount } Else { # From an external sender $intTotalRecExtSize += $_.TotalBytes; $intTotalRecExt += [Int] $_.RecipientCount } } } # Convert the sizes to MB and round them $intTotalSentIntSize = [Math]::Round($intTotalSentIntSize/1MB, 0) $intTotalSentExtSize = [Math]::Round($intTotalSentExtSize/1MB, 0) $intTotalSentSize = [Math]::Round($intTotalSentSize/1MB, 0) $intTotalRecIntSize = [Math]::Round($intTotalRecIntSize/1MB, 0) $intTotalRecExtSize = [Math]::Round($intTotalRecExtSize/1MB, 0) $intTotalRecSize = [Math]::Round($intTotalRecSize/1MB, 0) # Create a TempTo variable as when we are searching the logs we search up to the next day, but we want to print the day before $FromSmall = $From.ToShortDateString() $TempTo = ($To.AddDays(-1)).ToShortDateString() "$FromSmall, $TempTo, $intTotalSent, $intTotalSentSize, $intTotalSentInt, $intTotalSentIntSize, $intTotalSentExt, $intTotalSentExtSize, $intTotalRec, $intTotalRecSize, $intTotalRecInt, $intTotalRecIntSize, $intTotalRecExt, $intTotalRecExtSize" >> $outFile # Reset the variables to do another search $From = $From.AddDays(7) $To = $From.AddDays(7) $intTotalSentIntSize = $intTotalSentInt = 0 $intTotalSentExtSize = $intTotalSentExt = 0 $intTotalSentSize = $intTotalSent = 0 $intTotalRecIntSize = $intTotalRecInt = 0 $intTotalRecExtSize = $intTotalRecExt = 0 $intTotalRecSize = $intTotalRec = 0 } While ($To -lt (Get-Date))
Faydalı olması dileğiyle. - Hope it will be useful.
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