
Who included a computer in the domain

Yetkili bir kullanıcı ile windows\debug klasörü altındaki NetSetup.log dosyasını inceler, Ağınızdaki tüm bilgisayarların C:\ yolunu paylaşıma açmayı unutmayınız.

Examine the NetSetup.log file under the windows\debug folder with an effective user. Do not forget to share the C:\ path of all computers in your network.


$NoInfo = $null
$Offline = $null
$List = $null

#Get-Content getir.txt | foreach {
Get-ADComputer  -Filter * | foreach {
    $FQDN = $_.DNSHostName 
    $Path = "\\$FQDN\c`$\Windows\debug\NetSetup.log"
    if (Test-Connection $FQDN -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { 
        if (Test-Path $Path) {
            write-host "`n`nChecking $FQDN..."        
            $User = ($($(Select-String -Path $Path -Pattern "lpAccount: " -CaseSensitive)  -split " ")[3])
            [array]$List += Write-Output $FQDN";"$User

    else {[array]$NoInfo += $FQDN}
    else {[array]$Offline += $FQDN}
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