
you do not have sufficient privileges to delete CN=outlook................. or this object is protected from accidental deletion.

Active Directory Users and Computers Kullanıcı veya grup silme problemi

Active Directory Users and Computers User or group deletion problem

  • Advanced ayarları aktif ederek Nesneyi yanlışlıkla silinmeye karşı koru" kutusunun işaretini kaldırın.
  • “Üst öğeden devralınabilen izinlerin bu nesneye ve tüm alt nesnelere yayılmasına izin verin.(mirası aktif hale getirin)


  • Uncheck the "Protect object from accidental deletion" box by activating advanced settings.
  • “Allow inheritable permissions from the parent to propagate to this object and all child objects.
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