What is Veeam One? Installation and configuration
Fazla söze gerek yok sizi Baki ÇUBUK hocanın makalesi ile baş başa bırakıyorum. Kendisine teşekkür ediyoruz. https://www.bakicubuk.com/veeam-one-10-kurulumu/
Fazla söze gerek yok sizi Baki ÇUBUK hocanın makalesi ile baş başa bırakıyorum. Kendisine teşekkür ediyoruz. https://www.bakicubuk.com/veeam-one-10-kurulumu/
It is enough to open the following Ports on your Firewall according to the usage requirement. Port Function -TCP port 25 - SMTP -TCP port 26 - SSL secured SMTP -TCP port 110 - Post Office Protoc...
The Edge Transport role is an optional Exchange role that is typically installed on a server in an Exchange organization's DMZ network and is designed to minimize the organization's attack surface....
Zabbix is an enterprise open source monitoring solution for networks and applications developed by Alexei Vladishev It is designed to monitor and monitor the status of various network services, s...
Exchange servers, as it is known, use the SMTP protocol for mail traffic and authentication. It is necessary to give Relay permission on Exchange Server to get information from Printers, Firewalls ...